Monday, October 24, 2016

Don't bring stolen money to my church - Abuja Pastor

Senior Pastor of the Family Worship Centre, Wuse, Abuja, yesterday warned members of her congregation against bringing stolen money to her church as offerings. Olola Seun Akioye on Facebook shared transcripts of what the pastor said during her sermon.

“Any money that you cannot explain to God, don’t bring it to this church. If you are in the civil service and you have stolen money, please don’t bring the tithe to this church; I say this in Jesus name. You cannot do all that and then think you come to church and say a short prayer, that God will forgive you because of Grace. 

If you have stolen money, don’t bring it to this church; I repeat it in Jesus name. Someone says pastor, we will miss money. Yes, I will rather miss your money and have you make heaven. Christians should be a standing rebuke to the world. 

“In church today, you see Christian ladies dress and there is no difference between them and prostitutes. What harlots wear to the bar, you wear to church in the name of Grace; nobody can persecute you because the devil has you already. If you are a prostitute here today, I do not condemn you. You are my sister; you are a daughter of Abraham and your body belongs to the Lord. I know some girls do this because they have bills to pay and you the man, you have the money but you cannot help them unless you sleep with them. You the man who takes advantage of those young girls, what you give to them, your own children will have it too. Bible says rejoice with the wife of your youth and let her breasts satisfy you. Stop all these strange breasts everywhere. You may say, Pastor why are you cursing us? No I am not cursing you; I am praying you out of your depravity".

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Regenerate The Cartilage In Your Knees With The Help of Nature

Regular nutrition is a key for the prevention of almost all the problems with our joints, but it is also important for the regeneration of cartilage in the knees, hips and spine.

Maintaining the optimal body weight with well-balanced ingredients, as well as avoiding the great physical stress throughout the day is proved to decrease the risks of excessive wear-out and potential damage of the cartilage.

The cartilage is a type of connecting tissue which enters the composition of many structures in the human body. It’s in the chest, nose, bronchi, ears' and it also encloses the curves of the spinal whorls, elbows, knees and hips. It’s less elastic than muscles but it isn’t as tough as bones.

Its basic function is to enable movement of the joints preventing the bones to rub from one another, because then damage appears.

It’s especially important to preserve it from injuries especially when it comes to the knee cartilage. Since it’s the biggest joint in the human body, it’s necessary to be careful that the meniscus or cartilage is healthy from the inside and outside and also be smooth so that the knee is movable and functional.

Still, different factors can cause damage – aging of the organism and illnesses like for example osteoarthritis which mostly affects the shoulder joints, neck (it makes it difficult to move the head and causes dizziness), hips, knees, hand and feet joints.

The symptoms which point on a decreased quality of the structure of the cartilage or even its complete disappearance is pain during movement, as well as swelling and muscle tension. Besides degenerative changes, the cause for cartilage wear-out and damage can also be some other factors – mechanic injuries during a hit, excessive physical activity, carrying something heavy, as well as obesity.

Some recent researches have shown that the consumption of ingredients rich in the amino acid lysine is extremely helpful because it participates in the regeneration of collagen which is a composite part of our cartilage. Considering the fact that it isn’t being synthesized in our organism, it’s necessary to take it through food – the optimal quantity is 12 mg for each kilogram of our body mass.

This substance can be found in ingredients like pulse, cod, red meat, eggs, soy products, yoghurt, cheese, dry fruit, beans etc.

Besides for lysine, also a very important substance is chondroitin which participates in the prevention of our cartilage and is also very important for the natural regeneration of the cartilage in our knees, hips and all the other joints.

Chondroitin absorbs the water in the connecting tissue, which preserves the elasticity and flexibility of the cartilage. Besides, it can also block numerous enzymes which decompose it but also help to build a new one.

The optimal quantity of this substance is from 1.000 to 1.200 mg a day and it can be obtained from shark cartilage, as wel as pig and cow cartilage. Besides, chondroitin is often combined with glucosamine which stimulates better flexibility and movability of the joints and is also very important for the natural renewal of the cartilage. It can be obtained from chitin which is a composite part of shell of sea crabs, crustaceans, lobsters etc.

Food based on ingredients rich in vitamins is very significant for the regular formation and renewal of the knee cartilage. The greatest part of it becomes bone in time so

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

VIDEO - Health Hazards of Junk Food -- The Doctors

     Health Hazards of Junk Food -- The Doctors

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Teaching Kids About Cleanliness

How to avoid germs and keep your little ones healthy

Germs are everywhere, especially when you're a kid. From picking up bugs on the playground and sharing cups with friends to holding hands and touching dirty sinks in public areas, it’s likely your little one or teen has been exposed to germs and bacteria. Teaching him about cleanliness is the first step in combating illness and infections caused by harmful germs. Make learning about proper hygiene fun and a priority by enforcing healthy habits at home.

Healthy Habits
While children often view sharing as an expected behavior, it’s important for parents to set them straight when it comes to passing around germs. Teach your child basic rules about healthy habits. Basic rules may include teaching them to wash hands with soap and water, avoid touching their face with their fingers, not sharing drinks and covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough, says Dr. Jeremy Fine, board-certified internist in Southern California. Make learning about healthy habits interactive by creating flashcards or quizzes to test your child’s knowledge daily instead of offering nagging reminders.

Modeling Behavior
If your toddler runs from the bathtub and whines about washing her hands before a meal, it could be because she doesn’t see Mom and Dad washing up enough. Teach her about cleanliness by setting the example and making sure your healthy habits are front and center at all times. This little push is just what she needs, says Elena Selivan, board-certified health and wellness coach in Boston. “We have to help and encourage them with flossing, brushing their teeth, washing and brushing their hair, taking baths and washing their hands before a meal,” she says. “With toddlers, it's all about setting an example, helping and being consistent.”

Teen Talk
With teens, lessons about cleanliness are a little more challenging, says Selivan. “One has to hope that by that age, they have in fact developed strong personal hygiene habits, but hygiene at that age is such a personal issue that a lot depends on relationships between teens and their parents,” she says. As parents, it’s crucial to have regular discussions about cleanliness with your teens, especially with the onset of puberty when the need for deodorant, acne treatment and shaving come into play. “With puberty comes a whole new spectrum of personal hygiene issues, and parents and teens have to be comfortable and available to discuss these,” says Selivan. “I would not want my teenage daughter learning hygiene from her friends or searching the Internet for the answers.”

Dental Duties
When teaching your children about cleanliness, teeth should be a primary focus. “Parents have many concerns about oral hygiene and how hygiene affects a child’s appearance and emotional development,” says Pennsylvania-based orthodontist Dr. Bryon Viechnicki. If you struggle to get your children to brush at least twice a day, Viechnicki recommends using plaque-disclosing tablets to get them excited about, and engaged with, oral hygiene. “These tablets stain plaque bright pink, so it’s easy to see the teeth that need special attention,” he says. “Kids develop a strong sense of pride about their teeth when they see how clean they can get them.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

SALINE BREAST INPLANT: The danger uncovered

In 2011Ana Zigenhorn from Florida began to gain weight, and her once peaceful life soon turned into hellish living. The doctors were unable to discover the cause of the disease until they open the patient’s chest and found MOLD.
Zigenhorn, otherwise healthy mother of two children, after gaining weight began to lose her vision; she was feeling a burning pain and sores all over her body. Eight months could not speak – instead knocked messages and written on a chalkboard.
She was visiting doctors, but no expert could determine what the cause of the disease was. Lupus, arthritis and problems with the thyroid were quickly extinguished and there seemed to be no solution until Dr. Susan Kolb, author of “The Naked Truth about Breast Implants,” did not point out that the health condition of the patient could distort the mold around the silicone implants. As soon as the implants were removed, the symptoms began to recede.
Zigerhorn still keeps a video on her phone, which shows what was in her body. She believes that the content of the implant, which contained a

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Our Strategy Is To Make Medicine More Affordable In Nigeria – Oschmann

Stefan Oschmann, CEO-elect of Merck Pharmaceutical Company Limited, in this interview with ODIRI UCHENUNU, shares the benefits of the company’s new office in Lagos to Nigerians and the challenges confronting Nigeria’s health care system.

What benefits are to be expected from Merck’s new office in Lagos?
Merck is a leading science and technology company in health care. We recently opened a new office in Lagos, because it is part of our strategy to grow our market share in the West African region.
Nigeria is an evident choice for us. With a population that is known for its entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas, this is a perfect match with Merck. Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and we believe that through our high quality and innovative healthcare and life science specialty products and services we can contribute to that growth.

Besides, a presence through our products, the company has been working closely with the Nigerian government and international organisations to increase access to health solutions in Nigeria.
Together with the Federal Ministry of Health, Merck organised a panel discussion on November 17 that focused on the role the private sector can play in helping countries like Nigeria accelerate progress on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the importance of forging partnerships to deliver health solutions for the population. It also took a closer look at the challenges of scaling up and sustaining public-private partnerships and private-private partnerships that seek to improve access to affordable and quality care.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

10 Natural Remedies for Sore Throat

Gargling is a simple and remarkably effective way of killing germs and soothing sore throat. Try one of these homemade gargles next time you’re looking to relieve throat pain:

1. Salt and Water
Try grandma’s sore throat remedy by mixing ¼ teaspoon salt in one cup of warm water. (Use the hottest water you can comfortably tolerate. Cold gargles are ineffective). If you have it, add 1 tablespoon of Listerine for germ-killing power. The briny solution helps rinse away and neutralise acids in the throat, relieving the burning sensation and promoting fast healing of irritated mucous membrane.
Note: Mix a fresh batch of gargle for every use. Better to waste a bit pouring it out than to leave it in your glass, where it might become contaminated with bacteria. Also, also do not swallow the gargle; spit it out.

2. Lemon and Water
Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 cup of water for this home remedy for sore throats; the astringent juice will help shrink swollen throat tissue and create a hostile (acidic) environment for viruses and bacteria.

3. Ginger, Honey, and Lemon in Water
This home remedy is made up of 1 teaspoon each of powdered ginger and honey, ½ cup of hot water, and the juice of ½ squeezed lemon. Pour the water over the ginger, then add the lemon juice and honey, and gargle. Honey coats the throat and also has mild antibacterial properties.